Thursday, 10 July 2008

The generation gap

I've discovered that probably all people of a certain age and generation have some stereotypical ideas of the curate's wife. I wasn't expecting this at all, going to a charismatic and forward-looking church. But within the first month, I've had 3 over-sixties make some interesting remarks toward me: a gentleman commented on how I would relate to being in a situation where I didn't understand what the men around me were talking about!; one lady "strongly advised" me to go to a particular mums group and asked if I had my own transport, suggesting that Richard get a bike (which he already has) so I can go to this group; another woman telephoned me to partly discuss what a shame it was that the mums group she started years ago is now struggling to find leaders and how she was pleased I'd arrived and hoped that God would put it on someone's heart to lead the group!

If you know me at all, you'll know that though I'll serve if I need to, I try to avoid working with under-fives at all costs! I have noticed that when people are talking to Rich & me, they look at me when they talk about mums or children or babies (expecting me to produce another one some time soon!). I know though that for these people, it's just their way and they don't even realise they're not being very PC. They're only trying to help me to slot in and find friends asap, I just have to not take it to heart. These comments can catch you by surprise though and I can imagine that if I get too many of them, I may start to think I should be doing all the things they want me to.

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